Our life together The dialogue your eyes passed when I offered you that chip. We saw our whole future together in those first moments. The cowboy hat, that got you into trouble at work. The kitten tucked in your jumper and the puppy in your hands. Your big toe sticking out of a hole in your sock. Fake tan confused with After-sun cream. You wouldn’t eat tripe and I couldn’t eat a snail. Crying over a movie and pretending not to. Caught in a thunderstorm on a beach. Warm bodies in bed talking quietly before sleep. You were a player not a watcher. You stood on your soap box and fought causes for everyone. The stories, all amazing, you told of your life, sometimes, with tears and a break in your voice. Upset I’d lay beside you my ear close to your chest, I felt you breathing, I heard you swallow Quiet and still I knew I was loved, I knew I was safe.